Tomato Rice – TC BOY

Tomato Rice

Tomato Rice

Ingredient :3 cups of basmati riceAdequate water1/2 cup of milklemongrasspandan leave2 tsp meat curry powder4 tbsp of Bumble Bee Tomato Puree4 onion (grind)3 clove garlic (grind)20gm ginger (grind)

Instructions1.Soaked the rice for 30min, washed and drained it.2.Heat the oil and sauté the onion, garlic and ginger.3.Add milk, curry powder, a pinch of salt and seasoning.4.Pour the rice that has been washed and poured it in the rice cooker.5.Pour the sauteed ingredients into the rice cooker.6.Sprinkle the rice with fried onion when the tomato rice is done.7.Tomato rice is ready to be served.

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